"There will be a day when you can no longer do this. Today is not that day."

Don't know where it came from originally, but it's one hell of a motivator.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My new training partner!

Since I am low on funds these days (can't wait for my new job to start!) I wasn't able to blow a bunch of dough on a new road bike to train for my first triathlon.  Until today I've been getting out on my 1993 Trek Singletrack 930 mountain bike.  However, my new boss offered to let me borrow and train on his road bike, a 2009 GTR Series 3.  I took it out today for a test ride and it was AWESOME.  I'm gonna love training on this thing.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sixth Race!

The Dash For Darfur: What can I say about this race?

I normally enjoy the race environment when there are hundreds of people all excited to be out and running and possibly helping a charity.  This one was organized by a student coalition against the genocide in Darfur.  While I'm happy to support the cause, since there were so few people at this event, I think they spent about a quarter of what they raised on the top prizes for the race (not that I'm complaining, as I'm sipping the iced caramel macchiato I got with the gift certificate I won for getting 3rd place).

1. This was a very small, very organized event.
2. The course was a bit longer than 5K (3.17 mi.)
3. The race started almost a half hour late which REALLY matters when the temperature is rising.
4. Only 26 people registered (and I think less ran).
5. 4 of the runners (if you can call them that) were jackass frat boys who A) were likely hung over, B) were jackasses, and C) tried to cheat.
6. Almost puked at the finish.  Remind me not to run in the heat anymore.

7. No matter how many people were running or who was there, I was still able to run my race and kept a PR pace.  Came in 3rd because of it.

This was my 3rd hard run day in a row.  8 miles on Friday, 5K trail race yesterday, then this 5K today.  SO EXCITED for a rest day tomorrow!  Then it'll be time to get pumped for my first 10K next weekend!

Race #: 6
Distance: 3.17 mi.
Type: Road
Bib #: No bib, #9
Time: 23:10
Pace: 7:19/mi
Place: 3/26

Next Race: 5/2/10: Tucson Heart Group Cinco de Mayo 10K!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fifth Race!

The Spring Cross-Country Classic 2010 was just about the same time as my last 5K race.  At least it's good to know that I'm not getting slower.  Actually, considering this was an awesome trail race with some solid hills and sand, I guess I ran a bit faster than my last 5K.  As always, I got out of the gate a bit too fast (1st mile was 6:47) and burned myself out by the time I was on the hills in the second loop.  Finished strong when I saw the clock ticking towards 23:00. My legs feel pretty weka right now which I attribute to the race + yesterday's 8 miler.  I have another 5K race tomorrow, a charity road race, and unless my legs get some good rest today, it might just have to be a recovery run.  First 10 K in a week and I don't want to totally wear my legs out!

Saw some Dailymilers (@lizz7l and @sarahsdailymile) and other new running buddies out there.  Fun event!  Didn't stay for the potluck or the egg toss.  May partake in the beer garden next year, though.

Race #: 5
Distance: 5K
Type: Trail
Bib #: 1208
Time: 22:59
Pace: 7:24/mi.
Place: Men's: 41/128 (AG: 6/9)

Next Race: 4/25/10: Dash For Darfur 5K

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Next Mile

As you may have noticed, I've changed the name and function of this blog.  Gone is the cheesy nickname and in its place are the words that inspire me.  The Next Mile is a philosophy with no end.  There is always a new challenge.  Every mile is a chance to become a stronger, better me.  I am in the endless pursuit to understand who I am on the other side of The Next Mile.

I have a tattoo that quotes Dante.  In the Inferno, he wrote: "Consider your origins.  You were not made to live like brutes but to pursue virtue and knowledge."  I live by this.  Through running, I am pursuing the virtue of a stronger body, mind, and soul.  I am pursuing the knowledge of myself; of a stronger, better me.  Beyond The Next Mile is the best, most virtuous, most knowledgeable version of me.  This pursuit is life-long.  There is no end, there is only The Next Mile.

Beyond The Next Mile is...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Race Four!

Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure:

AMAZING!  The event was huge and crazy and so much fun!  So proud of our whole team, The Boob Battalion, for coming out, raising money, and finishing the race.

I started the race a little too fast since I was up front.  I finished the first mile in around 6:45 and had to slow down because I knew I'd burn myself out.  At around 2 miles, Russ, who started a little after me caught up and ran with me a but before taking off to finish the race in a blistering 22:07.  My goal was to get around a 23:00 and as I was rounding the turn to the finish, I saw the second hand of the clock slowly ticking towards that time.  This was definitely a case of leaving it all out on the course since I pushed all the way through to the end and hit my goal!  Beat my fastest 5K race time by 2 minutes (and that's after yesterday's 5 mile trail run)!!!

Race #: 4
Distance: 5K
Bib #: 351
Time: 22:56
Pace: 7:23 min./mi.
Place: 140/1108 (AG 24/121)

Next Race: May 2, 2010: Tucson Heart Group Cinco de Mayo 10K

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Third Race!

A few months ago, my DM buddy Dave S. told me that he was registered for both the Catalina Trail Run and the Race For The Cure.  Two races in two days.  I told him he was loco.  He is.  But apparently, so am I.  I've been running some fast (for me) 10Ks so I made a decision.  I am going to run in any race for which I've already run the distance more than 3 times.  This 5.2 miler fell into that category so I said "screw it" and signed up.  Looks like tomorrow's 5K is going to be a recovery run!

Anyway, on to today's race: The Catalina State Park 5.2 and 10.35 Mile Trail Run!

The morning started off with a bummer.  I got a speeding ticket on my way to the race. Although it sucks, I guess it was comforting to know that I really had speed on my mind.

The race itself was FANTASTIC!  I made a new running buddy, Lorinda from Calgary, and got to race with some other great people.  This is probably the most fun I've had running yet!  I loved the variety of terrain on the trail. The trails and mountains were probably beautiful although I didn't see much of it since my head was down the majority of the time making sure I didn't land on any of those ankle-breaking rocks. We ran across a few washes still streaming with water (awesome) and through long patches of soft sand (slightly less awesome), and up two big sections of stairs (92 and 48; a bit less awesome). I felt like I was moving pretty fast and felt AMAZING when it finished.

I don't know exactly where I placed since they kind of screwed up the placing. I'll edit this when the post the final results.

Race #: 3
Distance: 5.2 miles
Bib #: 457
Time: 47:22 (official time: 45:52)
Pace: 9:06 min./mi. (official pace: 8:44 min./mi.)
Place: 37/337 (AG 6/20)

Made some new running friends and learned a lot about what I really enjoy about running. I'm definitely hooked on trail runs now!

Next Race: April 11 (tomorrow!): Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rocky 4 Style Training at the Grand Canyon

This past week I had what I like to call my Rocky 4 wilderness training week.  I went up to the Grand Canyon for work (conserving historic river running boats with the NPS) and since we were staying so close to the South Rim I decided I'd keep up my training by running along the rim.  The weather was pretty unpredictable so I also got a temporary membership to the local Rec Center.  This week was going to be a challenge for me since I've never run in the cold and the Grand Canyon elevation is 6500 feet higher above sea level than Tucson.  But once I got out on the trail it felt amazing and I don't think it was a coincidence that although I have 64 songs in my Running Playlist, everytime I ran on that train both Eye of The Tiger and Hearts On Fire came on and pumped me up!

Day 1, Monday, 6:00am, 3.1 miles: Woke up early and since I was a little intimidated by the weather and the elevation so I made my way to the Rec Center.  Ran my usual 5K but the elevation was pretty effective at slowing my pace.

Day 1, Monday, 6:00pm, 3.1 miles: Was feeling good after my first day of work so I went back to the treadmill at the Rec and decided to switch it up by running intervals for 5K.

Day 2, Tuesday, 5:00pm, 2 miles: Took a short 2 mile hike (1 mile in, 1 mile out) for a picnic at sunset at Shoshone Point.  Check out the pics!

Day 3, Wednesday, 6:00am, 3.45 miles: Decided to bite the bullet and take off on a sunrise run along the South Rim.  It was unbelievable!  It was cold but invigorating and the glory of the sunrise made every step worth it.  Check out how happy I am after the run!

Day 4, Thursday, 12:15pm, 2.25 miles: I didn't make it for a sunrise run so I tried to sneak in a bit of a lunchtime run at the Rec Center.  Was able to get in 2.25 miles before I had to get back to work.

Day 4, Thursday, 5:30pm, 3.45 miles: Since it was beyond freezing in the morning, I decided to postpone my run for the sunset.  I went out to the same place that I watched the sunrise the morning before and was treated to amazing blues and purples of the Canyon at twilight.

Day 5, Friday, 6:00am, 3.45 miles: On my last available morning, I made the sunrise run again.  Just as amazing as the first time.  A bunch of runners out this morning.  I tried to keep pace with a Marine on the way back but he was just too strong of a runner for me!

This turned out to be an incredible trip, both professionally and for my training.  While the runs were tough, they certainly helped me gain perspective on what it's like to run in a different environment.