"There will be a day when you can no longer do this. Today is not that day."

Don't know where it came from originally, but it's one hell of a motivator.

Monday, March 15, 2010

While I'm at it...why not another challenge?

I am really starting to love putting my new body, my motivation, and my spirit to the test.  A year ago, I wouldn't have even dreamt that I could run a 5K, let alone 9 miles, or do 100 pushups.  So what's one more challenge?  Introducing, the 200 Sit-up Challenge, from the makers of the 100 Push-up Challenge.  I keep hearing that I need to strengthen my core, in order to become better at...well...everything.  Better runner? Strengthen your core.  More flexible?  Strengthen your core.  Better in bed?  Strengthen your core.  Better student?  Strengthen your core.  So, to that end, I'm taking on the challenge.  I took the initial test and was able to knock out 54 crunches putting me in the "Good" category.  So, like the push-ups, I'm starting on Week 3.

Day 1: (3/16/10) I'm not used to doing actual crunches.  I'm used to using an ab machine so these are going to be a bit rough going at the beginning.  But as with the rest of my exercise regimine, I'm pushing myself to get it done.  Just like the push-ups, I'm going to try to stay 10 above the minimum in Set 5.  Was able to get through it today.  Jumping up 8 more per set for Day 2.  Should be a pretty good challenge.

Day 2: (3/18/10) I don't think my form was all that great for Day 1 which is why my neck hurt.  I decided to do today's with my knees up.  They were a bit easier and didn't strain my neck as much.  I'll stick with this style for a while.

Day 3: (3/20/10) Moving this weekend threw a wrench into the routine for this challenge so I'm starting over next week.

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